Rainbow Book List

Archive for the ‘ALA Midwinter Meeting’ Category

2015 Rainbow Book List

Posted by: Naomi Gonzales on: February 1, 2015

The Rainbow Book List Committee proudly announces the 2015 Rainbow Book List. The Rainbow Book List is a bibliography of books with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender content, and which are aimed at youth, birth through age 18. The list is intended to aid youth in selecting high-quality books which were published between July […]

2013 Rainbow Book List

Posted by: lvs2read on: January 28, 2013

The year 2012 will be remembered as an important landmark in the struggle for GLBTQ rights. On the one hand, national and state elections polarized attitudes and big business took sides on GLBTQ issues. At the same time, marriage equality saw major wins in four battleground states, the President of the United States came out […]

Join us at ALA Midwinter!

Posted by: lvs2read on: January 27, 2013

Want to see what the Rainbow Project is all about?  Join us today (Sunday, January 27) at the Renaissance Seattle (515 Madison) starting at 9 a.m.  We will complete the 2013 Rainbow List today, so come see how everything works!  Meetings are in Room 525, and open to all conference attendees.  Dying to see what made the […]

2013 Meetings at Seattle

Posted by: lvs2read on: December 21, 2012

Headed to the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle? Have a passion for GLBTQ books for youth and teens?  We’d love to see you! ALA Midwinter is when we create our Annual List, and this year is sure to have some interesting debates about whether books meeting the criteria for the list. Our meetings are open […]
