Rainbow Book List

Please welcome your 2019 Rainbow Book List Committee!

Posted by: peshling on: April 13, 2018

Alana Phelan (Chair)

Gemma Doyle

Zoe Fisher

Ms. Elizabeth Lippoldt

Jessica Pryde (Alternate)

Ms. Lynne Rhys

Talya Sokoll

Gregory S. Taylor

Kevin Washburn

Becky Woodruff

This year, we have a full roster of committee members and we’ve added something new: an alternate. When extenuating circumstances lead to a even number of committee members, the alternate creates the uneven number that makes voting a smoother process.

We have also added a second monthly post. In addition to what books we are considering, which will be posted around the first of the month, there will also be a post around the middle of each month by rotating members that will discuss a selection. These posts will be a reflection of the specific committee member and not the group as a whole.

Think something isn’t our on radar? You can always let us know by using the “Suggestions” link in the above navigation bar.

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