Posted by: John on: November 8, 2009
Rouse, Wade. At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream: Misadventures in Search of the Simple Life. 2009. 301p. Harmony House, $23.99. (978-0-307-45190-3). Gr. 10-12.
This hilarious memoir by the author of America’s Boy, an earlier Rainbow selection, covers a year in Michigan when Rouse and his partner, Gary, leave their city home in St. Louis for the idyllic rustic life. Rouse uses Henry David Thoreau’s Walden as a basis for ten “life lessons” for his determination to change from the selfish, shopping-crazy urban gay to a caring, happy writer satisfied with a more minimalist environment. Fortunately for the humor, he maintains his flamboyant attitude as the two men circumvent the rural culture in a mutual education for all. As he details his current humiliations and victories, Rouse connects these to his struggles of growing up gay in the Ozarks.
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