Rainbow Book List


Posted by: John on: November 8, 2009

transitionsDrummond, Mara Christine.  Transitions:  A Guide to Transitioning for Transsexuals and Their Families. 2009.  127p.  Lulu.com, $16.50.  (978-0-557-05261-5).  Gr. 10+.

People who have a gender identity that differs from their physical gender suffer a great deal of stress in determining what steps to take for a happier life.  Drummond provides a dispassionate directive that begins with definitions and descriptions of incongruent gender identity and follows through with emotional, financial, and physical implications of transitioning from beginning to end.  Subjects include coming out to family and friends, maintaining employment, dealing with sex and religion, passing with a new gender identity.  The author does not try to sugarcoat the transgender person’s path but does provide her perspective for the point of view of someone who has experienced the journey.  The book is useful not only for people considering a gender change but also for those who wish to understand people who cannot fit into their body.

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