Posted by: Laurie on: October 31, 2009
Winter, Jonah. Gertrude is Gertrude is Gertrude is Gertrude. Il. Calef Brown. unp. Atheneum, $16.99 (9781416940883). Gr. K-3.
Gertrude is a lyrical introduction to Stein’s prose and a visual treat featuring Picasso and Matisse as a few of the prominent guests who visited the Stein/Toklas salon in Paris. Their life together with Basket, the poodle, is a creative existence nurtured by Toklas’ service to Stein. The only thing missing from this homage is a kiss or gesture that speaks to the depth of their “companionship”. Fortunately, a family is a family is a family is a family, and kids can spot a family even if they aren’t told the dear nicknames Stein (“Lovey”) and Toklas (“Pussy”) had for one another.-Laurie Spurling
January 9, 2010 at 4:34 am
Thank you! I think I have a copy of this book that I picked up in a museum bookstore somewhere. My research was on early 20th century writers who ‘hung out’ together, including my fellow Pittsburgher, Gertrude Stein. On my website I post daily updates of what the writers were doing.