Posted by: John on: November 8, 2009
Wolf, Sherry. Sexuality and Socialism: History, Politics, and Theory of LGBT Liberation. 2009. 333p. Haymarket Books, $12.00. (978-1-931859-79-0). Gr. 10-12.
Despite the political struggles of the past half century for GLBT individuals to achieve equality with others and the gains made during that time, the discrimination, as evidenced in marriage and military laws, continue. In this series of essays, Wolf describes this past and argues for a full liberation of human sexuality. Clearly written, this concise collection pursues a variety of areas including the state’s repression of glbtq individuals, the work of the Gay Liberation Front to relate this repression with other repressed groups, the movement of those “tolerant” of glbt individuals to keep them from equal rights, the question of biological reasons for being glbt with a description of how people are shaped through environment, and the need to fight for glbt people to stand up and fight. Throughout her essays, Wolf shows how the existing discrimination comes from a strong class society. Her revolutionary ideas, meant to spark strong opinions and discussion in readers, will be eye-opening for young adults.
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