Posted by: lvs2read on: January 4, 2011
Keep an eye on this space, as exciting things are coming this weekend! YES, it is time again for the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting, this time in San Diego, California, and that means that the Rainbow Project committee have been hard at work reading through our nominations in order to vote over this coming weekend!
As you may or may not know, our meetings are OPEN to the public, so if you would like to see what goes on and listen in to our discussions, feel free to join us! We’d love to have you! We are meeting at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel (number 2 on the ALA Map) in Cobalt Room 504. We meet on Saturday, January 8 from 1:30 – 5:30, and Sunday, January 9 from 10:30 – noon, and again from 1:30 – 5:30, with breaks inbetween.
We will also have a presence at the SRRT All Committee Meeting on Saturday, January 8 at 8 a.m. at the Hilton Bayfront, Sapphire H.
An informal list of our nominated titles this year follows, and we hope to see you in San Diego!
The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister | Agell, Charlotte |
Keeper | Appelt, Kathi |
Another Life Altogether | Beale, Elaine |
the Nearest Exit May Be Behind You | Bergman, S. Bear |
The Frenzy | Block, Francesca Lia |
Will | Boyd, Maria |
Between XX and XY | Callahan, Gerald N. |
Very LeFreak | Cohn, Rachel |
Stuck Rubber Baby | Cruz, Howard |
Unbearable Lightness | de Rossi, Portia |
American Voyeur | Denizet-Lewis, Benoit |
Of All the Stupid Things | Diaz, Alexandra |
Out | Diersch, Sandra |
I’ll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip | Donovan, John |
Wildthorn | Eagland, Jane |
Let’s Get This Straight | Fakhrid-Deen, Tina with COLAGE |
The Gallup’s Guide… | Gallup: Various Authors |
Pink Me Up | Harper, Charise Mericle |
Monday Hearts For Madalene | Hodel, Page |
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend | Horner, Emily |
Jumpstart the World | Hyde, Catherine Ryan |
The Popularity Papers | Ignatow, Amy |
Dogs Don’t Do Ballet | Kemp, Anna |
My Princess Boy | Kilodavis, Cheryl and Suzanne DeSimone |
Love Drugged | Klise, James |
Will Grayson, Will Grayson | Levithan, David and John Green |
Kicked Out | Lowrey, Sassafras |
The Less Dead | Lurie, April |
Sugarless | Magruder, James |
Me | Martin, Ricky |
The Death-Defying Pepper Roux | McCaughrean, Geraldine |
A Tale of Two Daddies | Oelschlager, Vanita |
As You Wish | Pearce, Jackson |
Where’s My Wand | Poole, Eric |
Scars | Rainfield, Cheryl |
Theater Geek | Rapkin, Mickey |
The Chicken Thief | Rodriguez, Beatrice |
Edges | Roy, Léna |
Batwoman Elegy | Rucka, Greg |
Workin’ It! | RuPaul |
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell | Sheng, Jeff |
God Loves Hair | Shrya, Vivek |
Tutus Aren’t My Style | Skeers, Linda |
Robin and Ruby | Soehnlein, K.M. |
The Hour Between | Stuart, Sebastian |
Kiss | Wilson, Jacqueline |
Not All Princesses Dress in Pink | Yolen, Jane and Heidi E.Y. Stemple |
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