Posted by: Laurie on: November 8, 2010
Agell, Charlotte. The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister. 2010. 160p. Henry Holt & Co. (9780805089028).
Beale, Elaine. Another Life Altogether. 2010. 416p. Spiegel & Grau. (9780385530040).
Block, Francesca Lia. The Frenzy. 2010. 272p. HarperTeen. (9780061926662).
Boyd, Maria. Will. 2010. 304p. Knopf Books for Young Readers. (9780375862090).
Callahan, Gerald N. Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes. 2009. 208p. Chicago Review Press. (9781556527852).
Cruse, Howard. Stuck Rubber Baby. 2010. 224p. DC Comics. (9781401227135).
Denizet-Lewis, Benoit. American Voyeur: Dispatches From the Far Reaches of Modern Life. 2010. 295p. Simon & Schuster. (9781416539155).
de Rossi, Portia. Unbearable Lightness. 2010. 320p. Atria. (9781439177785).
Diaz, Alexandra. Of All The Stupid Things. 2009. 272p. EgmontUSA. (9781606840344).
Diersch, Sandra. Out. 2010. 136p. Orca. (9781552774229).
Donovan, John. I’ll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip. 2010. 240p. Flux. (9780738721347).
Eagland, Jane. Wildthorn. 2010. 352p. Houghton Mifflin Books for Children. (9780547370170).
Fakhrid-Deen, Tina with COLAGE. Let’s Get this Straight: The Ultimate Handbook for Youth with LGBTQ Parents. 2010. 208p. Seal Press. (9781580053334).
Hodel, Page. Monday Hearts for Madalene. 2010. 112p. Stewart, Tabori & Chang. (9781584797784).
Horner, Emily. A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend. 2010. 272p. Dial. (9780803734203).
Hyde, Catherine Ryan. Jumpstart the World. 2010. 192p. Knopf Books for Young Readers. (9780375866654).
Kilodavis, Cheryl and Suzanne DeSimone. My Princess Boy: A mom’s story about a young boy who loves to dress up. 2010. 32p. KD Talent LLC. (9780615395944).
Klise, James. Love Drugged. 2010. 312p. Flux. (9780738721750).
Magruder, James. Sugarless. 2009. 274p. Terrace Books. (9780299233808).
Martin, Ricky. Me. 2010. 304p. Celebra Hardcover. (9780451234155).
McCaughrean, Geraldine. The Death-Defying Pepper Roux. 2010. 336p. HarperCollins. (9780061836657).
Oelschlager, Vanita. Illustrations by Kristin Blackwood and Mike Blanc. A Tale of Two Daddies. 2010. Vanita Books. (9780981971452).
Pearce, Jackson. As You Wish. 2010. 304p. HarperTeen. (9780061661549).
Poole, Eric. Where’s My Wand?: One Boy’s Magical Triumph Over Alienation and Shag Carpeting. 2010. 272p. Einhorn/Putnam. (9780399156557).
Rapkin, Mickey. Theater Geek: The Real Life Drama of a Summer at Stagedoor Manor, the Famous Performing Arts Camp. 2010. 240p. Free Press. (9781439145760).
Roy, Léna. Edges. 2010. 176p. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. (9780374350529).
Rucka, Greg. Art by J.H. Williams III; color by Dave Stewart; letters by Todd Klein. Batwoman: Elegy. 2010. 192p. DC Comics. (9781401226923).
Sheng, Jeff. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. 2010. 40p. Jeff Sheng Studios. (9780984447411).
Soehnlein, K.M. Robin and Ruby. 2010. 288p. Kensington Publishing Corporation. (9780758232182).
Yolen, Jane and Heidi E.Y. Stemple. Illustrations by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin. Not All Princesses Dress in Pink. Lanquetin. 2010. 32p. Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing. (9781416980186).
Various Authors. The Gallup’s Modern Guide to Gay, Lesbian & Transgender Life (Series, 15 titles). 2010. Mason Crest Publishers.
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