Rainbow Book List

Society’s Child

Posted by: kthorning on: January 30, 2009

societys-childIan, Janis. Society’s Child: My Autobiography. 2008 (July). Tarcher/Penguin, $26.95. 360p. (978-1-58542-675-1). Gr. 10-12.

The downward spiral of Ian’s personal and professional life after her famous release of “Society’s Child” when she was 14 came from her fame and inability to trust and lasted until her return in 1993 at the age of 52.

This biography, published for adults, shows the struggle inflicted by the grueling music. The narrative delineates her coming out, her relationships with both men and women including her husband’s attempt to kill her, and the supportiveness of her partner, Pat, who helped her out a debilitating illness and back into show biz. —Nel Ward

1 Response to "Society’s Child"

Thanks, Nel. Now I have “At 17” going through my head!

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