Posted by: Naomi Gonzales on: September 8, 2015
The Rainbow Project is still furiously reading away, and after a frenzy of activity, we have a large number of books newly under consideration for the final list. Enjoy perusing what we thought was worthwhile! The following books came under consideration during August:
Black, Holly. The Darkest Part of the Forest. 2015. 328p. Little, Brown, 18.00 (9780316213073). Gr. 8-12.
Claiborne, Erin. A Hero at the End of the World. 2014. 308p. Big Bang Press, 15.95 (9780990484400). Gr. 9-12.
Clare, Cassandra, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Maureen Johnson. The Bane Chronicles. 2014. 507p. McElderry Books, 22.99 (9780692238066). Gr. 9-12.
Gino, Alex. George. 2015. 195p. Scholastic Press, 16.99 (9780545812542). Gr 3-7.
Grace, Amanda. No One Needs to Know. 2014. 229p. Flux, 9.99 (9780738736259). Gr. 9-12.
Hall, Michael. Red: A Crayon’s Story. 2015. 40p. Greenwillow Books, 18.89 (9780062252098). 4-7 yrs.
Koehler, Christopher. Poz. 2015. 180p. Harmony Ink Press, 14.99 (9781632163684). Gr. 9-12.
Levithan, David. Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story. 2015. 200p. Dutton, 17.99 (9780525428848). Gr. 9-12.
McCarry, Sarah. About a Girl: A Novel. 2015. 272p. St. Martin’s Griffin, 21.99 (9781250068620). Gr. 10-12.
Regan, Anne, editor. First Time for Everything: A Harmony Ink Press Anthology. 2014. Harmony Ink, 6.99 (9781632164476). Gr. 9-12.
Rotner, Shelly, and Sheila M. Kelly. Families. 2015. 32p. Holiday House, $17.95 (9780823430536). 3-7 yrs.
Shannon, George. One Family. Written by George Shannon; illus. by Blanca Gómez. 2015. 32p. Farrar, Straus Giroux, 17.99 (9780374300036). 3-7 yrs.
Silvera, Adam. More Happy Than Not. 2015. 295p. SohoTeen, 18.99 (9781616955601). Gr. 9-12.
Stevenson, Noelle. Nimona. 2015. 266p. HarperTeen, 17.99 (9780062278234). Gr. 7-12.
Stevenson, Noelle, and Grace Ellis. Lumberjanes Vol. 1: Beware the Kitten Holy. 2015. 128p. BOOM! Box, 14.99 (9781608866878). Gr. 5-12.
Thomas, Leah. Because You’ll Never Meet Me. 2015. 344p. Bloomsbury, 17.99 (9781619635906). Gr. 9-12.
Wilke, Daria. Playing a Part. Tr. by Marian Schwartz. 2015. 161p. Arthur A. Levine, 18.99 (9780545726078). Gr. 6-10.
Wood, Jennie. A Boy Like Me. 2014. 269p. 215 Ink, 12.99 (9780692238066). Gr. 9-12.
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