CHICAGO-The Over the Rainbow committee of ALA’s Rainbow Roundtable gave careful consideration to 312 books this year. We chose 29 fiction and poetry titles and 19 nonfiction titles to make up the complete 2021 Over the Rainbow book list. The titles on this list all exhibit commendable literary quality and significant authentic LGBTQIA+ content.
In the books we reviewed, we were pleased to note the increased diversity of transgender, asexual, immigrant, indigenous, and asexual experiences. Authors explored history and contemporary politics through new lenses, while we also saw innovations in formats — including a cookbook.
The top ten fiction and nonfiction titles are:
- Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex. Angela Chen. Beacon Press, 2020.
- Here for It: Or, How to Save Your Soul in America. R. Eric Thomas. Ballantine Books, 2020.
- A History of My Brief Body. Billy-Ray Belcourt. Two Dollar Radio, 2020.
- Homesick: Stories. Nino Cipri. Dzanc Books, 2019.
- Homie: Poems. Danez Smith. Graywolf Press, 2020.
- My Autobiography of Carson McCullers: A Memoir. Jenn Shapland. Tin House, 2020.
- Plain Bad Heroines. Emily M. Danforth. William Morrow, 2020.
- The Prettiest Star. Carter Sickels. Hub City Press, 2020.
- Real Life. Brandon Taylor. Riverhead, 2020.
- What’s Your Pronoun?: Beyond He and She. Dennis Baron. Liveright, 2020.