The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:
Fiction and Poetry
Alexander, Jenn. Home. Bywater, 2020.
Arafat, Zaina. You Exist Too Much. Catapult, 2020.
Aragón, Francisco. After Rubén. Red Hen Press, 2020.
Caruso, Melissa. The Obsidian Tower. Orbit, 2020.
Christmas, Jillian. The Gospel of Breaking. Arsenal Pulp, 2020.
Guzmán, Roy G. Catrachos: Poems. Graywolf, 2020.
Sickels, Carter. The Prettiest Star. Hub City Press, 2020.
Som, Biskakh. Apsara Engine. Feminist Press, 2020.
Staples, Dennis. This Town Sleeps. Counterpoint, 2020.
Adjmi, David. Lot Six. Harper, 2020.
Bombardier, Cooper Lee. Pass with Care: Memoirs. Dottir Press, 2020.
Esposito, Cameron. Save Yourself. Grand Central Publishing, 2020.