The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:
Cart, Michael & Jenkins, Christine. Representing The Rainbow in Young Adult Literature: LGBTQ+ Content Since 1969. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
Duberman, Martin. The Rest of It: Hustlers, Cocaine, Depression, and Then Some, 1976-1988. Duke University Press, 2018.
Hirschfeld, Magnus. Berlin’s Third Sex. Rixdorf Editions, 2017.
Lowe, Frank. Raised By Unicorns: Stories From Children With LGBTQ+ Parents. CLEIS, 2018.
Shinkle, Peter. Ike’s Mystery Man: The Cold War, The Lavender Scare, And The Untold Story of Eisenhower’s National Security Advisor, Robert Cutler. Steerforth Press, 2018.
Tate, Tim. Pride: The Unlikely Story of the True Heroes of the Miner’s Strike. John Blake, 2018.
Boydell, Remy & Perez, Michelle. The Pervert. Image Comics, 2018.
Griffith, Nicola. So Lucky. Macmillan, 2018.
Maroh, Julie. Body Music. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2017.
Mateer, Trista. Honeybee. Central Avenue Publishing, 2018.
McGuire, Seanan. Beneath the Sugar Sky. Macmillan, 2018.
Nguyen, Hieu Minh. Not Here. Coffee House Press, 2018.
Polk, C.L. Witchmark. TOR, 2018.
Rabiyah, Amir. Prayer For My 17th Chromosome. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2017.
Sebastian, Cat. A Gentleman Never Keeps Score. Avon Impulse, 2018.
Tran, Eric. Revisions. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2018.
Tremblay, Paul. Cabin at the End of the World. Harper Collins, 2018.
Young, Ian. London Skin & Bones: The Finsbury Park Stories. Squares & Rebels, 2018.
Zeller, Dov. Book of Hats. Tiny Golem Press, 2018.