Baim, Tracy and Owen Keehnen. Leatherman: The Legend of Chuck Renslow. Prairie Avenue Productions.
Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States. Beacon.
Creech, Jimmy. Adam’s Gift: A Memoir of a Pastor’s Calling to Defy the Church’s Persecution of Lesbians and Gays. Duke University Press.
Cruse, Howard. The Complete Wendel. Universe Publishing.
Duberman, Martin. A Saving Remnant: The Radical Lives of Barbara Deming and David McReynolds. New Press.
Festing, Issy. The Bird Keeper. Book Guild.
Frey, J.M. Triptych. Dragon Moon Press.
Gupta, Sunil. Queer Sunil Gupta. Prestel USA.
Kemp, Jonathan. London Triptych. Myriad.
Lemer,Bronson. Last Deployment, The: How a Gay, Hammer-Swinging Twentysomething Survived a Year in Iraq. University of Wisconsin Press.
Lima, Lázaro, Felice Picano, editors. Ambientes: New Queer Latino Writing. University of Wisconsin.
Mehta, Rahul. Quarantine: Stories. HarperPerennial.
Myles, Eileen. Inferno (A Poet’s Novel). OR Books.
Nectoux, Tracy ed. Out Behind the Desk: Workplace Issues for LGBTQ Librarians. Library Juice Press.
Pasfield, Scott. Gay America: Portraits by Scott Pasfield. Welcome Books.
Smith, Bob. Remembrance of Things I Forgot: A Novel. University of Wisconsin Press.
Thomas, Lee. The German. Lethe Press.
Thompson, Mark, Richard Neely. The Fire in moonlight : stories from the Radical Faeries : 1975-2010. White Crane Books.
Van Meter, Ryan. If You Knew Then What I Know Now. Sarabande.
Vanderhooft, Joselle, and Lundoff, Catherine, editors. Hellebore & Rue: Tales of Queer Women and Magic. Lethe Press.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle, ed. Steam-Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories. Torquere Press.
*A title gets nominated when at least one juror from OTR has read it and recommends that it be considered for next year’s list.