This Week in Marriage Equality: Another Week, Another Lawsuit

And then there was one. This week, couples in both Montana and South Dakota filed lawsuits in state courts challenging those states bans on marriage equality. With these filings, North Dakota is the only state in the union with a ban on same sex marriage that has not been overturned or that is not currently being challenged. However, a lawyer for the South Dakota ban challenge has said that he is currently organizing a lawsuit to be put forward in North Dakota.

The same sex marriage movement has had 19 court victories in a row, culminating in the wins most recently in Oregon and Pennsylvania. While the National Organization for Marriage has vowed to continue fighting these rulings in both states, legal experts believe they have little chance of success. In fact, the Pennsylvania ruling is not even being appealed, with Governor Tom Corbett dropping the case due to his belief that they would not succeed.

The Washington Post has helpfully developed an interactive map that you can view here (static version below).

Marriage Map

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