Meet Holly Mercer!: An RT Member Profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser

In the past, Holly has served the GLBTRT as the External Relations Committee Chair and a member of the Steering Committee. Most recently she was on the ad hoc committee that proposed changes to the Stonewall Book Awards committee.

As associate dean for Scholarly Communication and Research Services at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Holly directs the libraries’ services to scholars. That includes digital initiatives, research and grants, data curation, digital publishing and production, digital humanities, and the libraries’ department of learning, research, and engagement.

Several RT members already know Robin, Holly’s most wonderful partner of seventeen years, because she is also a librarian. They have two cats, Xena and Grace, and a coonhound named Duke. Holly likes to cook healthy Southern vegetarian and piscaterian fare (which she insists is not an oxymoron) and loves bluegrass music.

Her passion is her family, Holly says, “the one I was born into and the one I have chosen.” Also, her current passion is reclaiming her backyard from invasive privet and Chinese honeysuckle! One of her goals is to visit all fifty states.

If Holly could have a dinner party with five culturally or historically significant figures, living or dead, she would invite Gloria Steinem, Tich Nhat Hanh, Jerry Garcia, Michelle Obama, and Reynolds Price.


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