LGBT News From Around the World

The United States came out 12th in a Pew poll about attitudes regarding homosexuality in 40 countries. The survey asked this question: “Do you personally believe that homosexuality is morally acceptable, morally unacceptable, or is it not a moral issue?” Spain was first, with only 6 percent of the respondents stating that homosexuality is morally unacceptable.

Gay Views Poll - Pew April 2014



The Supreme Court of India has ruled that ruled transgender people can legally identify as a third gender on official documents. This allows them to be recognized as a minority group eligible for welfare benefits, health care access, and employment opportunities.


Over the last week, Malta has not only enshrined civil unions that provide all of the same rights as marriage, it has also added protections against discrimination based on gender identity to its Constitution. It is the first European country to place gender identity protections in its highest legal document.


Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe threatened to kick out any diplomat that talks about homosexuality. The 90-year old Mugabe went on to say that Europe could keep its “homosexual nonsense,” further stating that homosexual conduct was “not humane.”

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