Meet Anna Fidgeon!: An RT Member Profile By Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser

Beginning her second year as a juror for the Over the Rainbow book list committee, Anna describes it as “a librarian’s dream” getting to “read a ton” and help compile an annotated bibliography of great LGBT books. “Basically, after all my time trying to convince people that librarians do more than just read at work, here I am reading for work!”

Anna is a Digital Learning Initiatives Librarian at California State University, Northridge, near Los Angeles. She works on online tutorials and course guides while experimenting with different software and technology and also does reference, instruction, outreach, research, and collection development for the Theatre, Anthropology, and American Indian Studies programs. She said she is “pretty floored” to be faculty and that “’librarianship has brought out skills and confidence I never realized I had.”

Originally from Washington state, Anna reported that as a “die-hard Seattleite” she has the “usual” interests: craft beer, sewing, reading, trying independently-run restaurants, and recycling. Now that she lives in “The Valley,” she feels like an anthropologist researching strange customs to report back home! Anna lives with her “special lady friend,” an “honorary librarian” she met while in library school, who waits tables and humors her with stories of the celebrities she serves.

Exploration is Anna’s passion. She is always looking for a new place to travel, a new skill to learn, and new topics to research. She says she is a “devoted novice.”

Asked what animal she would be, she said, “Duh,Grizzly Bear! You get to hibernate and eat as much sushi as you can catch.” Can’t argue with that!

For a dinner party, Anna would invite Amy Poehler, Kate McKinnon, Maya Rudolph, Chelsea Handler, and Jennifer Lawrence, adding, “It would be nuts.”

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