Because GLBT News only updates weekly, sometimes stories get pulled in the early part of the week and they have to be changed shortly before we go to post. One case of this is a recent story of the Christian charity World Vision. The initial story, published broadly last week, stated that Richard Stearns, president of the organization, had said in a letter to staff that the organization would begin to hire LGBT people who were in same sex marriages. The move was couched as a way to provide parity for people from different Christian denominations that have differing and evolving views on gay marriage rights. Also, the organization receives 20 percent of its funding from the federal government, so they probably saw the writing on the wall.
This decision prompted a firestorm from the organized right, and two days later, World Vision reversed itself. Within 48 hours they made the jump from okay with LGBT employees to not okay with them again because it proved to be unpopular.
In surely unrelated news, a recent poll by the HRC found that gay and lesbian people are more popular than evangelicals among registered voters.