Researchers at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health discovered that LGB individuals that live in regions with higher levels of homophobia die earlier. In fact, the study pointed to a shorter life expectancy of approximately 12 years between high stigma and low stigma areas. In the words of Dr. Hatzenbuehler, the lead author on the report, he found that the difference in life expectancy was comparable to the difference caused by having and not having a high school diploma.
In some areas, the difference was even starker. They found that for those that died of suicide, the average age in low prejudice communities was around 55. In high prejudice communities, it was just 37 years old. Similarly, a marked increase in cardiovascular disease was found in high prejudice communities as psychosocial stressors have long been linked to this illness.
Although much research remains to be done, this eye opening study shows that prejudice doesn’t just have a social cost; it has a body count.
On the flip side, new research from Columbia University shows that homophobia among heterosexuals reduces life expectancy by 2.5 years. Apparently, negative attitudes toward LGBT people elevate homophobes’ stress levels. Anti-LGBT bias was specifically related to cardiovascular-related deaths. The research was published in the American Journal of Public Health.