A popular topic on the GLBTRT e-list this past week was identifying pride parade marchers on the July/August 1992 cover of American Libraries after the ALA Annual Conference that summer. Here are the responses. Those with further comments can send them to GLBT-News@ala.org.
- On the left in the blue shirt – Chet Mulawka;
- Next to Mulwka in the short-sleeved white shirt – Marshall Shore;
- “The gent in the white t-shirt and sunglasses on the right margin” – Steve Murden;
- Tall man near the right with dark hair and beard with glasses – Nick Roselli;
- Woman behind the banner on the right – maybe Cal Zunt;
- One of the two dark-haired women holding the banner – maybe Gail Defendorf (but Roland says not);
- Driving the SFPL Bookmobile – Nancy Silverod
Karen Schneider wrote, “I’m sure my feet are there. I distinctly remember chanting, ‘Return those books!’”
Thanks to John DeSantis, Roland Hansen, Chet Mulawka, Robert Ridinger, Karen Schneider, and Ann Symons for contributions.
A brief article about the cover in the GLBTRT Newsletter (2012 Summer Supplement) described its history and the resulting vitriol to the image. K. Glodoski provide more information in PB Library History Timeline: http://libraryhistory.pbworks.com/w/page/16964638/Gay,%20Lesbian,%20Bisexua