Trans Woman Releases Bathroom Finder App
- Via “One woman has taken matters into her own hands, developing an app designed to help trans individuals locate restrooms where they are least likely to experience harassment or physical assault. Using the database of now-defunct website Safe2Pee, San Francisco-area coder Teagan Widmer launched Refuge Restrooms, an open-source collection of trans-safe restrooms.”
Rainbow List-ing and it Feels so Good: My first go-round on an ALA book committee
- Ingrid from The Magpie Librarian talks about her experience this year with the GLBTRT and the Rainbow List.
LGBTQ Parents in YA Literature
- Via The Hub (YALSA): “A much-needed discussion about the representation of the LGBTQ community is growing in the YA world. Author Malindo Lo does an amazing job of putting a spotlight on the issue by creating a yearly list of published LGBT YA titles and The Hub’s own Molly Wetta put together an impressive guide last year of YA novels with LGBTQ characters. This building conversation and one Stephanie Perkins book later left me wondering where the LGBTQ parents were hiding in the YA world.”
Image of the week:
Videos of the week:
Le Zbor, the first lesbian and feminist choir in southeastern Europe, releases chorale video in support of LGBT Russians:
This speech by Irish drag queen Panti Bliss has been blowing up social media as Panti talks about her experience with homophobia and her own take on oppression (a must watch).