Perry Brass has released the second in a three-part series for the NYPL regarding the Gay Men’s Health Project Clinic that he co-founded in 1972 with Lenny Ebreo and Marc Rabinowitz that I wanted to let you know about this next installment. It features two visitors to the Clinic—Dr. Howard J. Brown, who had been John V. Lindsay’s Health Commissioner and became one of the first known public officials to come out, and Bob Kohler, who was very active in the Gay Liberation Front. After the demise of the Gay Liberation Front, Bob became night manager of the Club Baths. The blog discusses the relationship of this pioneering clinic to the baths in this period. Brass writes, “[Bob] was certainly an iconic figure in the West Village, as well as the early gay movement, before it became the LGBT Movement.” [Note: Kohler died in 2007 at the age of 81.]