Gillette ad shows father teaching his transgender son to shave

Transgender activist Samson Bonkeabantu Brown is the star of a new internet ad for Gillette razors. In the ad, Samson explains that growing up he was always trying to decide what kind of a man he wanted to become, and that he went into the transition, “just wanting to be happy. Brown’s father sits on the couch next to him while he speaks, and then the ad cuts to his father teaching him how to shave.
Dykes with Drills teach introduction to tools to LGBT and non-binary folks
Dykes with Drills is a non-profit organization with the mission to create equity for women and gender non-conforming folks in the construction and housing trades.
Six sites in NYC up for review of Landmark Status

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission will consider granting Landmark status to six NYC locations important to LGBT history. The site of the former Caffe Cino is one, along with Audre Lorde’s house on Staten Island. Click here to read the article and find out the other four!