At its November conference call, the GLBTRT Executive Board approved an Ad hoc committee to plan and manage a GLBTRT Pre-Conference in San Francisco. Because much of this work needs to be done before August 2014, this year’s program committee does not have the time or resources to add a pre-conference to their work.
I am seeking member volunteers who have experience with program planning, who are planning to be in San Francisco, and who have the time to work on planning a pre-conference proposal between now and March 2014 and annual 2014 … and continue to work through June of 2015.
Please let Ann Symons (chair-elect) know if you are interested in being on this committee. We hope to get the ad hoc committees on ALA Connect’s volunteer page but as yet they are not there. The committee information is below.
GLBTRT 2015 Annual Pre-Conference Committee (Ad hoc)
Plan and manage a full or half day pre conference in San Francisco 2014 subject and content GLBT Teens or GLBT Families. Content proposal including suggested speakers, number of participants and cost proposal to be shared with GLBTRT Executive Board by March 2014 with full approval at Annual 2014. Propose ALA units to co-sponsor.
Look at formats for other ALA Preconferences – full day and half day; investigate costs.
Committee to consist of 5-7 members plus a board liaison. Planned attendance in SFO is desirable.