United Methodists Tighten Ban on Same-Sex Marriage and Gay Clergy
The United Methodist Church faces a possible split over the recent vote banning gay and lesbian clergy and same-sex marriages. The organization met in St. Louis last week and the results of the vote by church officials were sharply divided 57 to 43 percent.
LGBT police officers say they’ve faced horrible discrimination, and now they’re suing
Police offers on the California Highway Patrol who identify as LGBT are suing because of a dangerous workplace environment. The officers claim say have experienced extremely homophobic treatment to the extent that they are endangered when on the job.
Arizona Law Leaves Schools Struggling To Navigate LGBTQ Issues
Arizona is one of seven states that currently have laws banning certain curriculum containing LGBTQ issues, however Arizona is the only state that forbids the promotion of a homosexual lifestyle. The law specifically addresses HIV/AIDs education and forbids teachers from positively promoting a gay lifestyle.