GLBTRT Seeks Nominations for Awards

Nominations are now open!  For more information about the awards and links to the nomination forms, please use the links below.  Membership in the GLBTRT is not a requirement.  Please feel free to share this widely.

The deadline for the 2019 awards are Monday, December 10, 2018 at 4pm Central.

GLBTRT Award for Political Activism

The GLBTRT Award for Political Activism honors librarians, library related organizations (including libraries, library staff, library boards, library friends), and other individuals or groups (public or private) that have demonstrated excellence in the area of GLBT activism. The award is designed for someone who is involved in efforts to promote GLBT issues, impedes the progress of anti-GLBT efforts, or raises awareness of GLBT matters locally, statewide, nationally or internationally.  The award recognizes the work of taking a clear stance on an issue, voicing an opinion and working to ensure that positive change happens for the GLBT community. The award consists of a citation and $1,000, and will be presented at the beginning of the Stonewall Books Awards Program held on the Monday morning of the ALA Annual Conference.

The Larry Romans Mentorship Award

The Larry Romans Mentorship Award is given annually by the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) and GLBTRT. Named for Larry Romans, who mentored numerous librarians at Vanderbilt University, the purpose of the award is to recognize librarians who, through their sustained mentoring efforts, have made a difference in our profession. Each year, the award will honor a librarian who has demonstrated excellence in the area of mentoring, who has successfully encouraged others to serve as mentors, and who has impacted the lives and careers of others through tirelessly devoting time, energy, and talent toward helping others succeed in the library profession. The award consists of a citation and $1,000.  The award will be presented at the GODORT Awards Program at the ALA Annual Conference. In addition, recognition of the recipient will also take place at beginning of the Stonewall Book Awards Program held at the ALA Annual Conference.

The Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence in Serving the GLBT Community

The Newlen-Symons Award honors a librarian, library staff member, library, library board, and/or library friends group who have designed programs and/or initiatives responsive to the needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community. The purpose of the Award is to promote excellence in serving the GLBT community by highlighting individuals and organizations with innovative programs and/or initiatives. The Award includes a framed citation and a $1,000 cash award presented during the Stonewall Book Awards Program at ALA Annual Conference.

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