A book to watch out for. A new picture book, God Made Dad & Mom, teaches children that a straight family is the only good family as Michael is taught both at home and in school that all families have one mother and one father. Michael’s friend Jimmy has two dads, which worries Michael. Visiting the zoo, where the animals all know that families have only one mom and one dad, causes Michael to ask if his father if he can pray for Jimmy’s family.
Take a fun romp back 20-30 years to these young adult fiction series titles with lesbian overtones. Thanks to Lambda Literary for pointing out the blog.
Since its premiere last spring, Cindy L. Abel’s documentary, Breaking Through, has been circling the country at independent film festivals. From former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) to Doraville (GA) City Councilmember Brian Bates, the 26 openly LGBT political leaders interviewed for the film tell about their experiences in “breaking through fear, shame and self-doubt.” Abel is working on the film’s television distribution, DVD, and streaming on demand. Click here to view the trailer on their website.