Artist Profile: Margo Rivera-Weiss

In this series I profile artists from local LGBTQIA communities across the country.  Artists who are known in their local communities are part of what makes a community vibrant.  They are our touchstones for culture and memories, and influence the larger culture in ways that are difficult to pinpoint; ways that become apparent only in the distant future.  In this series I attempt to give these artists a larger platform and to connect them with one another.  Enjoy these profiles and remember to share them with those you love.

Margo Rivera-Weiss is an artist and community activist living in Oakland, California. In this video she discusses her life in regards to art and activism, and displays some of the art she has created over the years.

1 thought on “Artist Profile: Margo Rivera-Weiss

  1. What an accomplished artist! Margo has so much impact on her communities! I’mjust glad i’ve Had the chance to meet her and sketch with her!

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