LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer

Members of Trump’s cabinet study bible with anti-LGBTI minister

Ralph Drollinger, the leader of Capitol Ministries is heading a bible study group, the first of its kind in at least 100 years, for the nation�s leaders.� Mr. Dollinger feels homosexuality is �illegitimate,� that women shouldn�t not be allowed hold leadership positions, and that Catholicism is a not a �true� religion.

Federal judge rules the US military cannot implement Trump’s trans ban

The court also proclaimed transgender people a protected class because they have been forced to exist in silence and �subjected to systematic oppression.�

Former Lambda Legal Lawyer David Buckel Dies After Self-Immolation

Buckel died from what authorities believe to be self-inflicted burning which he said in notes emailed to media and left near the scene was to protest environmental destruction.

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