GLBTRT has volunteer opportunities on four new committees

The GLBTRT is nothing without our volunteers, and there are four new committees that are looking for interested members. These committees are the Ad Hoc Planning Committee for GLBTRT Pre-Conference the 2015 Annual Conference (San Francisco), the Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee to Produce GLBTRT Toolkit, the Resources Committee, and the Reviews Committee.

ALA/GLBTRT members who wish to join one of these or other, existing committees should go to

Read on for more information about each and how you can get involved!

Ad Hoc Planning Committee for GLBTRT Pre-Conference the 2015 Annual Conference (San Francisco):

  • Plan and manage a full or half day pre-conference in San Francisco 2014:  topic either GLBT Teens or GLBT Families;
  • Prepare content proposal including suggested speakers, number of participants, and cost proposal to be shared with GLBTRT Executive Board by March 2014 with full approval at Annual 2014;
  • Propose ALA units to co-sponsor;
  • Examine formats for other ALA preconferences, full day and half day;
  • Investigate costs.

Requirements for membership: Experience with program planning, pre-conference attendance; and sufficient time for committee work between now and Annual 2014 with continuing work through June 2015.

Interested parties should contact Chair-Elect Ann Symons,

Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee to Produce GLBTRT Toolkit:

  • Support the efforts of advocates for library service to GLBT Families and their allies through wide dissemination of a GLBT Toolkit modeled on other ALA advocacy toolkits;
  • Develop and highlight resources in a toolkit for advocates at the local, state, and national level with particular emphasis on the grassroots level;
  • Work with other ALA units including the youth divisions, PLA, the Chapter Relations Committee, and the Committee on Library Advocacy to integrate GLBT advocacy efforts into planning and priorities;
  • Produce a draft toolkit by Midwinter Meeting 2015 for digital distribution and as a “brochure” by Annual 2015.

Sample Content:

  • Talking Points
  • Making the Case
  • Outreach to Patrons and the Public
  • Talking to the Media
  • Working with Local Officials
  • Library Checklist
  • Resources
  • Contacts

Requirements for committee membership: Experience in advocating for library services, proven communication and digital skills, and time and interest in an 18-month project.

Interested parties should contact Chair-Elect Ann Symons,

The Resources Committee:

  • Establish criteria for bibliographies and resource lists to be maintained on the GLBTRT web site;
  • Evaluate the current resources for possible revision or deletion;
  • Update resources or contacts original resource authors to solicit revisions;
  • Identify topics for new resources and solicits suggestions for new resources from GLBTRT members;   SPELLING ERROR HERE
  • Create new bibliographies and resource lists and approves them for inclusion on the GLBTRT web site;
  • Solicit new resources from GLBTRT members that meet established criteria and reviews them for inclusion on the GLBTRT web site;
  • Suggest web site changes for the GLBTRT resources page, including a mechanism on the web page for users to suggest new topics or other changes on the page.

The Reviews Committee:

  • Seek new LGBT media;
  • Review current LGBT media;
  • Collect information about media within specific genres for columns.
  • Publish reviews on blog.

Interested parties should apply for membership on volunteer form and contact Nel Ward:

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