LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer

Harvard rescinds visiting fellow invitation to Chelsea Manning

To refrain from being perceived as honoring Manning in any way, Harvard has retracted its offer of visiting fellow.  According to Douglas Elmendorf, Dean of Harvard Kennedy School, the original offer was a “mistake”.  Elmendorf writes more in his blog post.

California could become the first state to recognize a third gender

If Governor Jerry Brown signs Senate Bill 179, known as the Gender Recognition Act, legal documents will include “nonbinary” as an alternate gender option.

A town in Tennessee is one week away from banning drag shows

After a bar and grill hosted a drag show, the City Board of Alderman unanimously voted in a ban on any entertainment shows that included “exotic dancers, table dancers, private dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators, or similar entertainers.”

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