By Thomas Maxheimer
Meet the man writing children’s books about Harvey Milk and Stonewall
A native of Springfield, MO, Rob Sanders is inspired to write children’s books because he works with kids every day as a teacher. Currently based in Florida, his next two books will be, Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag, set for an April 10, 2018 release, and Stonewall: The Uprising for Gay Rights, which does not yet have a release date.
A petition was circulated by anti-gay parents stating in part, “The flying of the pride flag can create a hostile and uncomfortable learning environment.” It went on to say that exposing students, “to political views differing from theirs can make students uncomfortable.”
LGBT Community Continues To Feel Targeted In Age Of Trump
Latinos, Muslims, transgender, gay, who’s next? Trump and his tweets have “opened the floodgates” against many vulnerable groups.