Elections: You have until January 31, 2014, to file paperwork as a candidate for a GLBTRT office. For more information, click here. Sherry Machones (sherry [dot] machones [at] gmail.com), GLBTRT Membership Committee Promotion Chair, has requested that you also send her names of nominations by the close of Midwinter Meeting on January 28, 2014.
Open offices:
- Chair-Elect: three-year cycle as chair-elect, 2014–2015; chair, 2015–2016; past-chair, 2016–2017
- Secretary: two-year term, 2014–2016
- Directors-at-Large (three seats): two-year terms, 2014–2016
The candidate must be a member of ALA and the GLTBRT, attend meetings at Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings, be able to engage in deliberations via email throughout the year, attend scheduled virtual meetings, and fill out their information in the ALA election system by January 31, 2014.
To file for candidacy, click here.