LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer

South Sudan says it will consider not using child soldiers as long as it can still kill gay people

While they have agreed to look into ending recruitment of child solders and ending female genital mutilation, the government refuses to discuss ending the gay death penalty and ban on gay sex.  South Sudan said their ‘traditional culture’ was not compatible with homosexuality.  Amnesty International has condemned South Sudan’s numerous human rights abuses.

This country’s LGBTI activists say they don’t want same-sex marriage yet

The Homosexual Initiative Vienna (HOSI), a LGBT+ activist group in Austria, are warning that it may be too soon to establish full marriage equality.  They argue same-sex couples would be worse off if the government was to rush a law granting them full equality due to antiquated marriage laws which were written prior to women having equal rights as men.  Civil partnership laws, on the other hand, were written with modern language.
A theatre in New Zealand just made the best all-gender restroom sign

Essentially, the sign has what appears to be an alien and the words “Whatever, just please wash your hands”.

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