By Thomas Maxheimer
In Remarkable TV Moment, Ellen Learns About Gender-Nonbinary From Asia Kate Dillon
Illustrating that curiosity is the enemy of fear, Ellen DeGeneres and Asia Kate Dillon were part of a landmark television segment where DeGeneres asked the Billions star about being gender-nonbinary both in life and on the show. ‘Non-binary is a term used by some people – myself included – who experience their gender identity as falling somewhere outside the boxes of man or woman,’ Dillon explained. DeGeneres embraced this as a teachable moment which extended to talking about pronouns.
Television Series Based On The Life Of RuPaul Is In The Works
The half-hour comedy/drama is planned as a fictionalized version of RuPaul’s rise from club kid to drag legend, set in the 1980’s.
WARNING FOR PARENTS: Disney Is Pushing A Heterosexual Agenda On Your Kids
It’s nothing against straight people, some of my best friends are straight, I just don’t want them cramming it down my children’s throats. In an Onion-style satirical article, Pink News brings us a humorous look at Disney’s hidden agenda.