LGBTQIA Politics Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer

Gorsuch Poses “Grave Threat” to LGBT Rights, Say Advocates

Lamba Legal, along with a group of 18 other LGBT+ groups sent a letter to the chair and the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Dianne Feinstein.  The letter stated that the Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch’s record is “fundamentally at odds with the notion that LGBT people are entitled to equality, liberty, justice and dignity under the law.”

Why Gutting The Affordable Care Act Will Devastate The LGBTI Community

A prevailing myth about the LGBT+ community is that they are more affluent than the average US citizen.  Nothing could be further than the truth; the LGBT+ community has a higher rate of poverty across all populations.  In addition, LGBT+ people are more likely to be suffering from lack of familial support and LGBT+ young people suffer from higher rates of homelessness.  Many LGBT+ people lack access to health insurance as a result of these factors.  These and other reasons make a repeal of the Affordable Care Act devastating to the LGBT+ community

Texas Senate Approves Bathroom Bill, But All Is Not Lost Yet

Texas seems to be unable to learn from North Carolina’s mistakes which saw companies, tourists, sports teams, and major performers refusing to patronize the state after their “bathroom bill” was enacted.  Could top Republican and House Speaker Joe Straus block the Texas anti-trans bill?  We should know very soon.

Congressman Shocked, Dismayed After Man Rips ‘Disgusting, Immoral’ LGBT Pride Flag from Its Holder, Stomps On It

In what has been a sharp uptick in anti-gay activity over the last few months, a California man added his contribution by vandalizing Representative Alan Lowenthal’s (D-CA) office yesterday.  The man ripped the LGBT Pride flag from outside the congressman’s office, called it “disgusting” and “immoral” and stomped on it.

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