By Thomas Maxheimer
Same-Sex Marriage Laws Linked To Powerful Drop In Teen Suicide Rate
This groundbreaking study demonstrates that states which enacted marriage equality had fewer teen suicide attempts than those who did not.
Most Americans Oppose‘Religious Freedom’ Laws That Allow For Discrimination
While the White House reportedly continues to prepare an executive order granting the right to discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, several polls, including one by the Public Religion Research Institute, show the majority of Americans do not support such measures.
Tennessee Introduces Bathroom Bill, Marriage Equality Ban
The Tennessee legislature introduced two bills to restrict the rights of LGBT+. One bill states Tennessee’s policy to “defend natural marriage” while the other requires students to use bathrooms associated with the gender listed on their birth certificates.
Texas Republicans Launch New Wave Of Assaults On LGBT Rights
While much news coverage focuses on Trump’s tweets and their reaction, it’s also important that we watch the anti-LGBT+ movement happening in the states. In addition to Tennessee, Texas Republicans have introduced two bills to roll back the rights that the US Supreme Court put in place nation-wide in 2015.