By Thomas Maxheimer
Different Countries, Their Laws, and Their Behavior Towards LGBT Communities
Also referred to as the “The Shameful 76”, which are 76 countries that make being LGBT illegal. The site also includes information about the worst offenders, shareable maps, and tips for travel.
Fascists Carry Coffin Draped In Italy Flag To Protest Gay Couple’s Civil Union
In protest of a gay civil partnership, a group of Italian fascists held a mock funeral procession. The small group of 15 members of the neo-fascist Norza Nuova marched in Cesna, a small town in Northern Italy. They carried a coffin draped in an Italian flag and accused the couple of wanting “the end of Italian civilization”.
A Movie About Finland’s Most Famous Gay Artist Just Won A Coveted Film Critic Award
The International Federation of Film Critics has awarded Tom of Finland its most prestigious award. Touko Laaksonen iconic Tom of Finland art has also been immortalized as a best-selling consumer retail brand.