LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer

New large public mural honors queer icon ‘Saint George Michael’

An Australian artist and DJ has canonized George Michael via a public mural depicting the “Patron Saint of Public Parks.”  “We wanted a tangible space and moment where our community could honour and celebrate this gayngel [gay angel] magic,” Stereogamous wrote on Instagram.


Dustin Lance Black Urges Sports Stars To ‘Save Lives’ By Coming Out

While showing appreciation for the difficulty surrounding living out, Black told the Press Association (PA) that many young queer people are too fearful to play some sports because there are too few out gay players.


How China’s Pink Economy Is Leading the Country’s Battle for LGBT Rights

China’s long ignored “pink economy” is valued at $300 billion per year.  This ranks as the third largest after Europe and the United States.  No small sum when you consider the global LGBT economy totals in at $3 trillion per year.  While the majority of gay Chinese aged 30-50 are in closeted relationships, some younger Chinese are able to come out in their teens or 20s to a slightly more accepting culture.  The emerging generation has yet to reach peak economic spending power.  Is China on the verge of an LGBT Spring?


There Were Secret Same-Sex Weddings In The 16th Century?

A same-sex marriage ceremony in Renaissance Rome?  In the late 16th century, French essayist Michel de Montaigne wrote about two marriages between people of the same sex.  One involved women in eastern France, the second a group of men in Rome.   Professor Gary Ferguson, a queer studies specialist at the University of Virginia, reveals the 450-year-old history of same-sex marriage.


Transgender Model To Feature In India Fashion Show For First Time

As a reflection of recent gains in trans rights in India, a transgender model will walk the runway during Mumbai’s Lakmé Fashion Week for the first time.  Anjali Lama is a Nepalese model and she will be included in the lineups for upcoming shows in February.  India includes transgender identity among its official quotas in hiring and the Bollywood scene has recently highlighted transgender performers.

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