Kansas anti-trans bills dead in legislature

By John Mack Freeman

Two so-called “bathroom bills” have stalled and died in the Kansas legislature meaning that there is no chance that they will pass this year. Senate Bill 513 and House Bill 2737 would have (via Advocate.com):

[…] barred trans students in public K-12 schools, as well as state colleges and universities, from using the sex-segregated facilities that correspond with their gender identity, including restrooms, showers, and locker rooms. The bills would have provided $2,500 in damages to any student “aggrieved” by witnessing a trans student in the prohibited facilities.

It wasn’t a complete win for the LGBT community in Kansas this year, however. One anti-LGBT measure was passed that allowed for faith-based organizations on college campuses to discriminate against people who offend their religious beliefs while still receiving state funds.

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