New resource available-“Sports GLBT Bibliography”

By Cat Walker

LGBT athletes have recently gained visibility and made inroads into the world of sports.   A new annotated bibliography posted on the GLBTRT Professional Tools page serves as a guide to books, DVDs, and Internet resources about gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people in sports.  This new resource may help librarians with developing their collections of GLBT sports-themed materials, as well as help library users to find some interesting books to read when they’re taking a break from sports activities.

This bibliography includes resources about sexual minorities involved in many different sports.  Separate sections contain memoirs by athletes such as John Amaechi, Brittney Griner, Greg Louganis, and Robbie Rogers, novels, plays, a graphic novel, and children’s and teen books.  Lots of sports-themed gay and lesbian romance novels have been published, so they also have a separate section.  Several LGBT sports-related DVDs and websites are also listed, including a large number of transgender-related resources.  You can find several individual sports through the index (such as baseball, basketball, and hockey).

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