Tennessee lawmaker wants state to stop issuing marriage licenses

By John Mack Freeman

Tennessee State House Representative Rick Womick recently proposed that the state should stop issuing marriage licenses so that it would not have to issue licenses to same-sex couples as the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell. Via Advocate.com:

“The state Constitution says that marriage is between one man and one woman, and my personal belief is that God says that marriage is between one man and one woman,” Womick told the Daily News Journal on Tuesday. “He created Adam and Eve. God didn’t create Adam and Winston.”

“That would take the state out of the marriage business altogether,” Womick added. “I think that’s probably the best approach given the legal climate.”

If this were to pass, it would make Tennessee the first state to actively put such a law into action. Previous measures to this effect have passed single chambers in Alabama and Oklahoma, but they were not ultimately signed into law.

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