By John Mack Freeman
The GLBTRT is pleased to announce the selection of Dontan� McPherson-Joseph as our sponsored member of the 2016 Emerging Leaders program.
Dontan� is a staff member at Charles County Public Library in Maryland and a student at San Jose State University School of Information.
The Emerging Leaders will participate in training at the 2016 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston and will then continue with online collaboration and networking for six months on projects. Participants will present a poster session showcasing the results of their project during the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando.
“I am honored to be a part of the 2016 Emerging Leaders cohort, and even more grateful to the GLBTRT for selecting me as their sponsored participant. I welcome the challenges that will come with being a member of the program. I also look forward to connecting with my round table colleagues in January,” said McPherson-Joseph.
Peter Coyl, 2015-2016 chair of the GLBTRT, said�”The GLBTRT Executive Board is pleased to have selected Dontan� as our second Emerging Leader. This program helps the next generation of leaders become familiar with ALA and develop the skills they need to improve our profession. Dontan� will help represent the GLBTRT in her Class of Emerging Leaders in a rich and meaningful way. The Board was faced with selecting from a pool of very qualified candidates and appreciates all who applied.”