Movie Deadpool to be Pansexual

By Ashley R. Lierman

In an interview with Collider this week, director Tim Miller and actor Ryan Reynolds of the upcoming Deadpool movie confirmed that Deadpool as represented in the movie will be pansexual. “Pansexual! I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool,” Miller said – and he has definitely gotten his wish, as the news has spread rapidly across the internet. The interview did not directly address what role Deadpool’s sexuality will play in the film, but Reynolds did add:

There is some sexuality in this movie for sure. You kinda think you have moments when you’re shooting where you think, “This is, uh, a little excessive. This is a comic book movie. Are we gonna get away with this?” But so far so good. Studio hasn’t crushed us with anything. They were here yesterday, they were thrilled, they saw some cut footage and so far so good. We did a photo shoot for an entire day of just different, completely insane things that Deadpool is doing and there’s a lot more to come. They’ll be slowly released.

The red band trailer for the film is available at YouTube here:

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