Ignite Session proposals accepted through Oct. 9 for ALA Midwinter Meeting

Via press release

2016 ALA Midwinter Meeting attendees have the chance to inspire and entertain colleagues in the popular five-minute “Ignite” sessions, always standing-room-only and high energy events. Session proposals are accepted now through the end of the day on Friday, Oct. 9, 2015. Find out more and submit proposals now.

Each five-minute Ignite Session is accompanied by 20 slides that advance automatically every 15 seconds. There will be six Ignite sessions each day from 11:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Past topics have ranged across geospatial data services, fair use, diversity, oral history, campus collaborations, STEM, manga, experimental music, LGBTQ romances, community, teen humor, secret shopping, summer reading and creativity in reference services. You can review the 2015 Annual Conference Ignite topics and presenters in the 2015 Annual Conference scheduler.

“Ignite sessions offer the unique opportunity to quickly get exciting ideas for new programs and services in a fast-paced and entertaining setting.  No other program offers such a wide array of new ideas in such a short time.”– Patrick “PC” Sweeney, administrative librarian, Sunnyvale Library

Notifications of acceptance will be sent in early November after voting is complete. The proposals go through a public voting process that will be weighted for 30% of the selection process (staff votes will account for another 30 percent, while the remaining 40 percent will be decided by an advisory group of ALA members). Please contact Alee Navarro (anavarro@ala.org) with any questions about the process.

Bundle registration for 2016 ALA Midwinter Meeting and ALA Annual Conference is open through September 30. 2016. ALA Midwinter Meeting-only registration and housing open at noon (Central) on Oct. 1, 2015 at alamidwinter.org.

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