Rowan County Clerk continues to not do job, draw salary

By John Mack Freeman

One of my unofficial policies about putting together the GLBT News each week is that I try to avoid feeding the trolls. I try not to write articles or share information that hateful people have said or done simply so that they would receive attention. I don’t want to give them any larger a platform than they already have. But since Kim Davis continues to be the big story in what’s going on with same-sex marriage implementation, here we go.

Davis lost her appeal to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that asked for them to allow her to not issue same-sex marriage licenses because of her religious opposition. She can (and probably will) appeal to the Supreme Court.

Additionally, Davis may once again be held in contempt of court for altering the marriage forms issued by her office to say that they come from a notary public rather than the clerk of court in violation of a judge’s orders and Kentucky law.

For another one of our writer’s takes on this situation, I highly recommend “The Little Gadfly” article that will be posted later today.

1 thought on “Rowan County Clerk continues to not do job, draw salary

  1. Funny she gets on her soap box and expresses her views, beliefs, in her faith. As I feel she has every right to believe what she thinks is right, she is not the one who should be passing judgement on anyone..!! From what I have read and understand about her bible she is not the one to pass judgement on anyone. I could be wrong, but I do not think so. Is this not the woman who is on her second or third marriage? If true she needs to read the bible about how her God thinks or feels about that. I understand I’am going to hell for being gay and I have learned to except that. Any one who understands GLBT people know it is not a choice it is a birth rite..!!! This would not have been my choice believe me..! I’ve spent 61 plus years hating the person that I was and I’am. Not going to do it any more. Their is suppose to be separation of church and state. If can not do her government job because of her (faith) she should not be in that position..!!! She needs to be re-called, and if she can not do her JOB fired, as you or I would be. Frankly I wish she would shut her mouth. Their is no love in her heart or compassion. Thanks and sincerely, Gary D. Sexton

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