Nepal places LGBT protections in new constitution

By John Mack Freeman

In a victory for LGBT people and advocates, the new Nepalese constitution has enshrined anti-LGBT discrimination language in the new approved text. Only a few other countries in the world, such as South Africa and Ecuador, currently have nation-level protections for LGBT people in their constitutions. Reports say that this may be a first for an Asian nation.

Via PinkNews:

It states that “sexual and gender minorities”, cannot be discriminated against by state or judiciary.

“This is a momentous step forward for LGBT equality in Nepal. The nation’s leadership has affirmed that its LGBT citizens deserve the constitutional right to live their lives free from discrimination and fear,” said Ty Cobb, Director of HRC Global.

“We congratulate LGBT Nepalis and their allies for this historic victory, and hope to see other nations across Asia and the globe take similar steps to ensure full legal equality for their LGBT citizens.”

The new constitution will be promulgated in a ceremony by President Ram Baran Yadav on Sunday 20 September.

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