New Resource Available: Religion and Spirituality Bibliographies

By Carlos Fernandez

According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions, “religion binds people together in common practices and beliefs: it draws them together in a common enterprise of life” (Bowker, The
concise Oxford dictionary of world religions, 2000, p. xix). Unfortunately, for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) people, religion has the opposite effect. Conservative religious groups use religion and scriptural passages out of context as weapons to condemn the LGBTQ community. However, many religious organizations and denominations are welcoming to all and offer solace to those harmed by their conservative counterparts. Furthermore, many scholars of history, religion, and scripture have authored books that offer clarifications on often-misunderstood biblical passages and forgotten LGBTQ-affirming beliefs and histories. This annotated bibliography attempts to provide readers with LGBTQ-affirming books on religion and scripture, as well as biographies and memoirs of LGBTQ individuals of faith.

A variety of new resources are available, and they can all be accessed here.

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