Same-sex marriage comes to almost all the US territories

By John Mack Freeman

In addition to the 50 states that are now the land of same-sex marriage, the US territories around the globe now offer same-sex marriage as well. The governor of the Virgin Islands Kenneth Mapp signed an executive order ordering the territory to follow the Obergefell decision. The courts have ruled in Puerto Rico that same-sex marriage is allowed. In all territories, same-sex marriage is proceeding according to plan. Except for in American Samoa.

American Samoa is the only territory that still doesn’t allow same-sex couples to wed. The attorney general of the Pacific island Talauega Eleasalo Ale says that decision is being reviewed. Although no same-sex couple has yet applied for a license and territories do have some self-governing rights, the right to define marriage is not included in those rights. It is expected same-sex marriage will come to the territory in the coming days or weeks.

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